Monday, March 9, 2009

goodbye dummy

Today I received the best news since I've been employed at my job. Today my supervisor told me that I would be switching partners. Now before I get too far into this, I'd like to describe some situations that I've had to deal with:

Imagine being in a car. A two person car. All day. Everyday. With your mother. You love your mother right? She always means the best; gives you advice, tells you how to do things better and more efficiently (in her eyes), is quick to judge your decisions that don't fall in line with hers, and willingly tries to open up debates for each of you to explain to each other why you feel the way you do. In this case, I hate my "mother." My "mother's" name is Tammy. Tammy doesn't get it. Tammy doesn't understand that I despise her. It doesn't click in her thick always-has-a-smile-on-her-face skull that the reason why I don't talk to her while we're on the road for 12 hours is because I don't like her. She constantly asks me questions while I'm sitting there reading like, "do you want the heat on?" or "you want to listen to the radio?" while she is in the process of turning them on. If I wanted the radio on, I would turn it on. If i wanted the heat on, I'd turn the heat on. If you want it on, by all means, turn the damn thing on, but don't ask me whether or not I want something done when you are in the process of doing it or are going to do it anyways.

Now, going back to the smile. It's one of those smiles that looks like a face someone would make when they're trying to decide which of two things to choose. You know, you're eyes squint, and you've got a stupid stupid smirk on your face. However, the only things she's trying to decide between is which way would work best in pissing me off.

The lady has a spoon on her swiss army knife and brags about it. She just spent $500 on a butchers block and spent an entire day calling all of her friends and family to tell them. She still talks to her 26 year old son like he's ten. She always says "my pleasure" instead of "you're welcome." She calls everyone "my dear." She tells me how things "should" be done, when in fact, she is completely wrong. She thinks dialysis clinics are cold so patient's circulation increases (think about it). She constantly runs into my heel with the stretcher while I'm walking in front of her. She drills me on issues of abortion, healthcare, and religion, when the only counter-point she offers is some buzz-word/slogan she heard on some fox news show.

She, my friends, is a moron. Needless to say, I'm out of hell. I've done my time. The lady has never been able to keep a partner for more than two months. I've made it two and a half. Call me a hero, call me what you will. I'm not telling the bitch I won't be working with her anymore. She'll figure it out when next monday rolls around and I'm not there to absorb all of the useless and pointless incorrect bullshit that she has to offer.

New Shift: M-F 6:30a to 4:30p


  1. congrats man, hopefully this summer my daytime hours will afford us many an evening spend on live and many a weekend in knoxville

  2. She must have worked at Chik-fil-a previously.
