Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I realize that for the past couple days I've been on hiatus, and I apologize for that. Hopefully I didn't disappoint any of my one followers.

Tonight I told my partner that I would be switching shifts. Originally I was going to let the bitch figure it out for herself on Monday when she came into work and sat around for an hour before realizing I wasn't coming in and I therefore wouldn't be working with her anymore. I like to think of it as a form of natural selection, or natural something. I just wanted her to figure it out on her own. Instead, she blindsided me with it: "so are you switching trucks?". Dammit. Now due to my incessant rage that exponentially multiplies itself like a strand of E. coli in nutrient rich agar at 98 farenheit, one would think i'd come right out and tell her "yes, because of your dumb ass." Instead, all I could get out was "yeah" before she jumped to the next question on the interogators list. "Is it because of me?" Fuck. Now don't get me wrong, I cannot stand this chick. However, she has no idea that everyday I wish she would hit somebody while she's driving ergo she'd be fired, vis-a-vis I wouldnt have to work with her anymore. But instead of letting out a "hell yeah," a "no" came out. Why? Why do some people find it so hard to tell a complete moron how much you can't stand them? Ask anyone, I'm not afraid to hurt someones feelings. Perhaps I do have a heart though, even though that was never really the question. The real trouble I'm having is trying to figure out why day after day I put up with her bullshit yet I can't go off on her. Literally, everyday I feel like exploding with all the stories I tell everybody else to make fun of her. Do I feel bad? Maybe I feel bad that she really is THAT stupid. But why, instead of confronting people with the problems they have with them, do people bottle it up, and wait to get home to let it out? Everybody does it. Originally I thought it was a personality thing, but maybe it's just the fact that people don't want to be involved in confrontations when they aren't necessary. Who knows.

Posted from my iPod